When Roselyne contacted us for photography services for her wedding it was like love at first sight. As she shared details about her and Terry and their big wedding day we just got so excited and hoped that they would allow us to be part of their big day. If any of you didn’t know by now we are obsessed with all things vintage and outdoors and it was exciting to meet individuals who shared the same likes or should we just be honest, OBSESSION! What an amazing time! Lake Louisa State Park was absolutely perfect for Roselyne and Terrys engagement session. The park was already beautiful but they brought something to it that it was missing, their awesome personalities. We think they made the park look good ;-)! We had a great time capturing these two and their wild personalities. It was amazing to see that for individuals who were so camera shy, they absolutely rocked it out the park. We and Roselyne were so thrilled to see that Terry, the serious man that he is, smiling and having a grand old time with the suspenders that he OH SO LOVED ;-)! They are a beautiful couple and we are just so humbled and excited to be present to capture this new chapter in their lives as they unite and become one this May. Congratulations!
Roselyne is excited that the shoot went so well and Terry is ecstatic to get out of his suspenders haha! Congrats you guys and we’ll see you in May!!!!!