In life there are milestones that you experience. Milestones that, as a little girl, you dream of! You dream of who your husband is going to be. You dream of how your wedding will be. You dream of how many kids you will have. And then it all happens. You find the perfect guy. You fall madly in love and get married. And the final piece finally falls into place. You are expecting your little nugget. Your first little product of love! The first physical evidence of your existence and your love. Your first baby!
Becoming a mom for the first time can be pretty terrifying. You don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t know what to expect. But all you know is that you are excited. Nervous. And head over heals in love with something you’ve never seen, kissed or physically held in your arms. But yet that little being is closer to you than any other human in the world. Because this little baby. This little tiny itty bitty being , has never heard or felt anything but your heart beat. So you’re in love. You thought you loved hard before but now you will really see what unconditional love is!
Melissa + Ryan, Landon and I could not be more excited for you two to start this journey as parents! This new chapter in your lives together! You may say you don’t know it all and you don’t know what to expect but here’s my little secret… You never will and thats okay! Because that little baby girl is going to love you unconditionally and all you have to do is love her back. The rest will fall into place! It will come naturally as you cross different milestones! We cannot wait to meet sweet baby Ally!