We got married at 20… we didn’t write vows when we first got married. So I wrote these for our vow renewal… Happy Anniversary suga! I’d marry you over and over any day. Any time!
Stephanie, I thank God every day for you. You lift me up when I fall, and when I want to quit. Your personality shines through any bad situation. You are loving , kind , and a strong woman who loves God. I will always try to love you the way you need to be loved. I know that a Man can’t fully understand a women. But I will try to figure you out for the rest of my life.
Kylie, kayla and mommy. You are the greatest gifts I could ever have. You are my favorite girls in the whole world. Kylie I remember the first time I held you in my arms I kissed you and whispered into your little ear that I would do anything for you. I love the sweet girl you are becoming and I love watching funny videos with you when we are supposed to be sleeping.
Kayla ,my silly girl. I love how you make everyone laugh and how you like to cuddle before you fall asleep. Both of you are so special to me in your own ways. And I will make sure that I lead you into who God made you to be. And not who I want you to be. I love you.
Happy 11 Year Wedding Anniversary
Thank you to our amazing photographer Nicole Lapierre