Have we got a treat for you today on the blog with a very special couple! I (Stephanie) come from a huge family. And by huge I mean, HUGE! My mom is one of eleven and I am one of a bajillion nieces and nephews. So is our groom, Christian. He is , actually, one of my bajillion cousins. So of course when Christian and his gorgeous bride to be, Melissa, told us they were getting married and that not only were we invited but they didn’t want anyone else capturing it except us, our hearts just exploded.
“Of COURSE we’ll capture your day”
Christian may be one of a bajillion cousins but he is one in a million. I spent my summers in Puerto Rico when I was a little girl and he and his brother always were just so awesome! We’d stay up late nights just joking around, laughing, playing scrabble and getting into trouble. They were funny and let me tag along without making me feel like a tag along. He’s funny and sweet and just such an amazing man of God. Seeing him find someone that is worthy of his awesomeness just fills me with so much joy! The best part is that I can look at his fiancé, Melissa, and see that she is every bit of deserving of Christian and we are so excited to welcome her to our family.
The only thing that Christian and Melissa love more than each other is the beach so we took them to one of our favorite beaches in Central Florida, New Smyrna. Spending the afternoon with these lovebirds was the best. So many laughs and just being able to see Christian and Melissa together. They don’t just love each other they are friends. The biggest take away for me was that Christian didn’t just find someone worthy of him but that Melissa found someone that is worthy of her as well, because just after that sweet hour we spent together it was evident that she is just as amazing as my sweet cousin and I love her for it!
Christian and Melissa, we are so excited to not just witness your union but be there in the nitty gritty of it all. Capturing it all! January cannot get here soon enough. Here are just some of my favorite moments from your little loooooooove session!