Are you guys ready for smiles that are so bright that they will brighten up your day regardless of how its going? We are so excited to share with you Erik and Hannahs wedding with you guys today! Any time that we get to visit The Royal Crest Room, is a treat but having a sweet couple like Erik and Hannah is the cherry on top!
Erik and Hannah met at The Royal Crest Room on the course, so it made perfect sense as to why they chose this venue to spend their first day as husband and wife! We got to visit the very spot that they first exchnaged words. He was golfing and she was working. We asked Erik
“What did you say when you saw her for the first time? What was your smooth line?”
Only to be met with his line that wasn’t very smooth at all haha.
“Can you please get me a beer?”
Yeah maybe not the smoothest, but isn’t that how the best love stories come about. When your guard is completely down and you aren’t trying to impress. Your are yourself from the very beginning. So who was this guy that went from golfer to husband. Throughout the day we were able to not just hear time and time again about this guy. Our groom. Our sweet Hannah’s dream come true. But we were able to witness first hand who he is. Kind. Generous. FUNNY. Unfiltered. Down to earth. Unapologetically himself. And of course, head over heals in love with Hannah!
Erik and Hannah, you are finally married! Can you believe it? The day came and went and we hope it was the best day of your lives! This is your story. Your lives. Your adventure! Marriage is a great one! Enjoy it! Congratulations guys and thank you for sharing your love and awesomeness with us!
Erik + Hannah
The Royal Crest Room | Saint Cloud, Fl.
Creative Team
Venue: The Royal Crest Room | Photography: The Hendricks